If walls could speak....

This is a personal blog regarding my own views and experience. Primarily to mirror myself in time. You are welcomed to read, but you may need more insight to understand whats in here. Life can Push us around, it can also play you around. We all have difficulties in life, but some time its best to reflect on what we ourselves has gone through to understand the magnitude of our journey in this short life. Enjoy! :)

Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy Birthday me :) - day 4

The clock strike 12 and we were on the bus approaching Gambang. I check my phone to see if the phone was working. It was. then there must be sumthing wrong with it. Its so silent. I didn't wake up my mother or my brother beside me. They look sound asleep in the bus. I looked at the window outside. So calm and peaceful. Then I saw my birthday present from above.

A clear starry night! I saw Orion ontop of me, and thousands more stars filled the clear night sky. I knew its a natural delight made for me at the stroke of midnight. Said to myself, "Happy 25th birthday Indra".

When the bus stop at the R&R mother woke up. I wispered to her, "Your son is now 25 years old". She looked at the clock and smile ;) "Oh yeah happy birthday!". Alas, I had to remind my mother, but better late than never.

So it was my birth day and I planned not to make a big fuss about it at all. Since I am 25 years old... I do feel old. At one time some where when I entered my 20s I had a string of phone calls and smses as the clock strike 12. But know I understand that it wont happen again, its been 5 years since any of those thing happen. But I did get a few smses from my friends, later in the morning when they woke up for work. Yeah every ones working now. Thats the big difference.
Plus there was a fact that I hid my Birthdate from my friends on purpose. :) so I dont really mind about the birthday wishes. Each and every one of them is a gift by it self when my friends remembers.

As I was transfering pictures into my laptop, my 5 year old cousin asked me who's birthday was it in those picture. I replied that it was our 7 year old cousin Fikri, hes birthday was last saturday. Then she saw the cake. "Waaa best nyer cake tuh" ..... I took a look at her young face, and said "Do you want a cake? Today's is my birthday!". All of my cousins looked at me in disbeliefe! They rush for my mother. "Maklong! Maklong! betul dok ari nie birthday Abang I?" My mother replied "Haah hari nih lar kenape?". They shouted, "Yay! Abang I nak beli kek!".

So we got the cake, I chose no candles, on the basis that the cake will be filled by siliva if the children tried to blow the candles out. We had a small party that night, a nice one indeed. Filled with my close family and children asking lots of questions. So I asked my cousin how old does she think I am. This one coming from a 5 year old.... almost got me a heart attack. She screamed "100!". My mom also almost had a heart attack as she heard that! "Uish tua nyer kalau camtuh Maklong brape umur?". My cousin paused. She screamed "150!" hehhehehe and we all laughed. Still uneased with the age she gave the both of us, we asked her how old are her parents? She look at her mom and said "Mommys 27 and dad is 28". Which carved a smile on my aunts face :)

Young kids... they are really fun to be with. They light up day.

My sister called that night ;) I was expecting that. I knew she didnt forget my birthday :) Although I was expecting some ones phone call, but then when I checked my email, Yoong did send me a birthday wish on time. She also havent missed a single birthday since we were school kids. Some times there are things you can expect, and some you'll never know what they are.
Like the phone call I got for the job interview, that was totally unexpected. Seems that the best presents arent in material, but more in the spriritual aspects of life. Family, friends, a nature gesture, and luck. What more can a guy ask for?

Okay a ferrari or two would be nice. :p But my red satria would have to do for now.

Happpy Birthday Indra :)

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